This evening saw an unusual theme for the 8 members and 1 guest in attendance. The theme was…
“Wines that Wayne would like.”
The theme was suggested by our Chairman, Dai Coleman, to acknowledge and thank Wayne for all the work he does getting the room ready for our meetings, clearing up and washing the glasses ready for the next meeting. The theme meant that we enjoyed wines with strong forthright tastes and quite high alcohol content – due to the very nature of such wines generally being more mature wines.
Here are the wines of the night, with the most popular wine being a Vino de Italia Grande Alberone, Zinfandel courtesy of our scribe, Kevin. Pictured on the right.
The raffle prize was donated by Alan Edwards and won by …. drum role please… Alan Edwards. But we all enjoyed a share of the prize! Cheers Alan and well done!
There was however some confusion about who had brought which wine. Naturally you would expect the central figure of the evening to know which wine was was his. That was not the case. So just in case this person is in any doubt. Here is the wine YOU brought to the evening…