This week the society held its Annual General Meeting to agree and update the rules and appoint a new Secretary for next year. Due to pressing work commitments our current secretary Wayne is stepping down. He has done a fantastic job for a number of years, organising the members and the meetings, particularly during the COVID-19 period. During the restrictions Wayne prepared and sanitised the meeting room, made sure it was well ventilated and thereby provided a safe environment for our meetings to continue in compliance with the restrictions in place at that time. Thank you for all your hard work. You will be sorely missed as Secretary.
Neale was elected our new secretary, commencing his duties in 2025. Thank you for volunteering Neale.
After the A.G.M. we sampled some excellent wines. We had 9 members and 1 guest in attendance, Anthony. Due to the numbers present we paired up so that each pairing brought the same wine, to allow us to sample a sufficient amount of the wine to fairly asses it. The theme for the evening chosen by our President Jim, was wines under 13.5% ABV. Of the 5 wines sampled the most popular of the evening was a Alkànie, Pinot Noir from Moldova scoring a very respectable 13.7 overall brought by the pairing of Lewis and his guest Anthony. The evening finished with a glass of Port courtesy of our Treasurer, Alan.